

Weekly News

Activity News


Designing biological light from scratch

講者:Andy Hsien-Wei Yeh, Ph.D.(Biomolecular Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz) 講題:Designing biological light from scratch 演講時間:113年7月11日(四)上午10:30~11:30 活動地點:守仁樓101教室 報名網址: 主辦:藥物科學院


Stem Cells & Genomics for Drug Discovery

講者:中央研究院吳慶明院士 講題:Stem Cells & Genomics for Drug Discovery 演講時間:113年7月5日(五)下午15:00~16:30 活動地點:守仁樓膺才廳 報名網址: 主辦:國立陽明交通大學 協辦:藥物科學院

【Career Lecture】


講題:晟德人才培訓營CLB實習計劃說明會 演講時間:113年3月26日(二)中午12:10-13:10 活動地點:守仁樓101教室 報名網址: 主辦:藥物科學院


真實世界證據及藥學經濟研究: 國際藥廠視角及產學合作機會

講者:Eric J. Yeh, PhD (Senior Manager, Global Health Economics & Outcomes Research (HEOR), Amgen Inc. CA, USA) 講題:真實世界證據及藥學經濟研究: 國際藥廠視角及產學合作機會 演講時間:113年3月22日(五)中午12:10~13:10 活動地點:守仁樓101教室 報名網址: 主辦:藥物科學院


Special Activity

It has always been based on the goal of internationalization of research/teaching/campus. In addition to promoting the international academic cooperation developed by various departments within the school and contracting with sister schools and departments, it also plans to cooperate with foreign schools for academic research, mutual visits of teachers and researchers, students exchange, information exchange, etc.

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