
Activity News

【International Conference】


「新藥發展研討會」:“Start with The End in Mind” First-in-Class New Drug from Taiwan 活動時間:12月14日(星期六) 08:30~17:00 活動地點:守仁樓膺才廳 即日起開放報名至12月9日(星期一)中午12時截止,限額120名,額滿或報名時間已到,表單將自動關閉。 報名網址: 【指導單位】教育部資訊及科技教育司 【主辦單位】國立陽明交通大學藥物科學院/國科會科研產業化平台 本會議預計申請公務人員終身學習時數及台灣藥學會-藥事人員繼續教育積分共計7學分。


Artificial viruses made of polymer nanoassembly to challenge fibrotic cancers

講者:Prof. Kensuke OSADA 長田健介 (Institute for Quantum Medical Science, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), JAPAN) 講題:Artificial viruses made of polymer nanoassembly to challenge fibrotic cancers 演講時間:113年12月6日(五)下午15:30~16:30 活動地點:生物醫學大樓一樓階梯教室 報名網址: 主辦:藥物科學院


Developed your opportunities and potentials in pharmaceutical industry part II- global journey

講者:戴佑易副總監 Associate Director, development project management/ Global Project Management Lead (GPML) 講題:Developed your opportunities and potentials in pharmaceutical industry part II- global journey 演講時間:113年11月29日(五) 12:10~13:10 活動地點:守仁樓105教室 報名網址: 主辦:藥物科學院


Special Activity

It has always been based on the goal of internationalization of research/teaching/campus. In addition to promoting the international academic cooperation developed by various departments within the school and contracting with sister schools and departments, it also plans to cooperate with foreign schools for academic research, mutual visits of teachers and researchers, students exchange, information exchange, etc.